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Circular Import in Python

·2 mins
Recently, I found a really good example code for Python circular import, and I’d like to record it here. Here is the code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # def X1(): return "x1" from Y import Y2 def X2(): return "x2" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # Y.

Python Dictionary Implementation

·3 mins
Overview # CPython allocation memory to save dictionary, the initial table size is 8, entries are saved as <hash,key,value> in each slot(The slot content changed after Python 3.6). When a new key is added, python use i = hash(key) & mask where mask=table_size-1 to calculate which slot it should be placed.


CSRF in Django

·2 mins
CSRF(Cross-site request forgery) is a way to generate fake user request to target website. For example, on a malicious website A, there is a button, click it will send request to When the user click this button, he will logout from website B unconsciously.

Create Node Benchmark in Py2neo

·2 mins
Recently, I’m working on a neo4j project. I use Py2neo to interact with graph db. Alghough Py2neo is a very pythonic and easy to use, its performance is really poor. Sometimes I have to manually write cypher statement by myself if I can’t bear with the slow excution.

Deploy Nikola Org Mode on Travis

·3 mins
Recently, I enjoy using Spacemacs, so I decided to switch to org file from Markdown for writing blog. After several attempts, I managed to let Travis convert org file to HTML. Here are the steps. Install Org Mode plugin #First you need to install Org Mode plugin on your computer following the official guide: Nikola orgmode plugin.

Using Chinese Characters in Matplotlib

·1 min
After searching from Google, here is easiest solution. This should also works on other languages: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina' import matplotlib.font_manager as fm f = "/System/Library/Fonts/PingFang.ttc" prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=f) plt.title("你好",fontproperties=prop) Output:


Enable C Extension for gensim on Windows

·1 min
These days, I’m working on some text classification works, and I use gensim ’s doc2vec function. When using gensim, it shows this warning message: C extension not loaded for Word2Vec, training will be slow. I search this on Internet and found that gensim has rewrite some part of the code using cython rather than numpy to get better performance.